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IEEE Region 10 Section Chapter Committee is organizing ‘IEEE Region 10 Section Chapters Symposium’ to train volunteers from the sections of Region 10. This programme is planned to be organised on 1st-3rd December 2023 at Novotel, Goa, India.
- Day 1: R10 Section Chapter Symposium
- Train the volunteer to effectively run chapters and sections.
- Day 2: R10 Conference Leadership Programme
- Train the Conference organizers and volunteers to effectively run Conferences
- Day 3: IEEE Region 10 Sensors Council meeting & IEEE's Greentech Innovation Hub Programme
The most tentative Day wise Schedule can be found here.
* Click here to convert the time to your local time zone if joining from a Non-India Location.
It is expected that the trained volunteers like Section Chairs / Subsection Chairs/ Council Chairs, Secretaries, and ExCom members shall be able to implement and guide IEEE Sections and Chapters efficiently and effectively to ensure quality member engagement as per IEEE standards in their respective sections. IEEE Section Chapter symposium is a platform for IEEE R10 Sections and Technical Society chapters to network, engage, and collaborate. It is an opportunity to learn the best chapter management strategies from the outstanding society chapters and learn through the experiences of outstanding chapter officers. The event will discuss and deliberate on best practices for Society chapter management and how sections can collaborate and support their chapters.
Venue: Novotel - Anna Waddo Main Candolim Road, Candolim, Bardez, Goa, India

For any queries please contact
Dr. Amit Kumar, Chair of IEEE R10 Section Chapter Committee (amitkr@ieee.org)
Vamsi Krishna, Members of R10 IEEE Section Chapter Committee (vamshikrishnaj@ieee.org)
Dr. Abhishek Appaji, Members of R10 IEEE Section Chapter Committee (abhishek.appaji.m@ieee.org)
2023 R10 Section Chapter Committee